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Writing a dissertation abstract for many postgraduate students is one of the most complicated issues on their way to completing top-notch and unique dissertations. Before they start to work on a dissertation abstract, they should compose all the dissertation chapters. This implies that students should start writing their abstracts at the final stage of their scientific work preparation. In the majority of cases, the students, who have been suffering a lot during the process of dissertation writing, may already feel exhausted when they move on to the stage of writing an abstract. Yet, it is not a huge problem to prepare an excellent summary in case you are well aware of specific strategies and tactics. If you do not know how to write a well-structured summary, you are always welcome at our supportive academic writing company. In addition, our writers have prepared this article about all the specific features of abstract completion to enable you to do the task yourself.

What Is a Dissertation Abstract?

An abstract is a summary of a scientific piece of academic writing. In a dissertation or thesis, the abstract should be on a separate page following the title page and acknowledgments. It is not appropriate to provide an abstract after the table of contents. This piece of academic writing should clearly demonstrate the most important elements of the whole work, such as purpose, methods, results, conclusions, and recommendations. 

What Elements Should Be in an Abstract of a Dissertation?

Our company and our experts have prepared the list of the essential elements that you should always include in your dissertation summary:

  • ⦁     The importance and purpose of the research. You ought to explain to your readers the purpose and significance of your research. We advise you to do this in a few simple sentences. You can also apply one complex sentence, but it should be easy to understand. You may use such a starting point as: “The purpose of the following research is to…; Due to the complexity or importance of the topic, this work aims to…” 
  • ⦁     The research milestones, research questions, and primary or secondary methods. You should emphasize the key steps that you have applied to conduct your research. It is not necessary to explicate each stage of the research process in detail. Moreover, you should clearly present your research questions. Afterward, you may write about primary or secondary methods that you have used to solve controversial issues of your research.
  • ⦁     The results and their significance. In your summary, you need to present your research outcomes. You should emphasize your findings and explain what discoveries met your expectations or failed to do this. The result section is the most important one as it may encourage the readers to look through the whole paper.
  • ⦁     Conclusions. You should review your essential conclusions and state the most considerable ones. 
  • ⦁     Recommendations. You should provide some meaningful recommendations for further research if there are questionable issues left.  

These elements are advisable to include in your abstract. You may refer to the above list to check whether you have included each of them in your summary. In case you omit one of the elements, you could fail to obtain your Master’s or Ph.D. degree.

Keys to Writing a Great Dissertation Abstract

Our experienced professionals have completed a brief list of practical tips on how to compose a dissertation abstract of supreme quality. We expect that you will take into consideration each of them.  

  • ⦁     You should keep to the specific size. A typical abstract is usually brief, about 150 or 250 words. Hence, you should avoid breaking this rule by exceeding this word limit. For the record, the keywords are not included in the total word count. The number of keywords should be between five or seven. 
  • ⦁     You should always pay attention to the balance in your work. This means that every part of your summary should contain a certain word number. For instance, if there are 250 words, then you should use about 50 words to present each element in your abstract. 
  • ⦁     You should characterize each part of the dissertation paper in a separate paragraph. The first paragraph has to reveal the significance and purpose of your work. The second one should include research questions. The third paragraph has to present methods, and so on.
  • ⦁     Our professionals recommend that you prepare several drafts of your future abstract. You should choose the best version for further proofreading and editing. Once you are ready with your abstract, you should check whether it comprises all essential information covered in your work. 

How to Write an Abstract for Your Dissertation

You should read through some useful pieces to be aware of how to create an engaging and appropriate dissertation abstract:

1. Make a Clear Outline

The final version of your abstract should be holistic. There should be no titles, sub-titles, headings, etc. While you are working on your abstract, you have to consider making appropriate transitions. You should be as clear and logical as only possible.

2. Draft Your Key Results

Usually, students want to present all of their essential research findings in their abstract. Our experts do not recommend doing this in your summary. You should include only the most important results that are worth paying attention to. Your readers would like to know only your specific contribution to the problem under study. 

You also have to take into account that you should explain your results without any supportive evidence or context. Thus, try to reread your conclusion chapter and consider your findings afresh. 

3. Be Accurate and Coherent

Many students compose dissertation abstracts with unacceptable discrepancies and evident mistakes. If, for example, you have developed an educational game in your academic work, you are to shortly describe it in your abstract. Still, you should not provide any new details about this game. Also, there is no need for excessive details. You should be selective while including any piece of information in your summary. Please, avoid providing irrelevant or unnecessary information in it. Otherwise, the members of the examination board will point out such inconsistencies. They could ask many questions that you will not be able to answer. As a result, you could fail the defense of your scientific research. 

You should do your best to compose your whole work and abstract in a consistent, sound, and precise manner. 

4. Be Brief

Students often make a widespread and obvious mistake. They do not pay attention to the required dissertation abstract length. In fact, you may be faced with the challenge of fitting the whole paper, comprising 200 pages, into a summary, which consists of only 250 words. Thus, you should learn to be brief. You should sum up your research instead of retelling it in detail. Our specialists in academic writing recommend avoiding extensive introduction, explicating the background of your study, etc. Below is the list of aspects that examiners consider inappropriate for abstracts.      

  • ⦁     Any piece of information that you have not included in your study; 
  • ⦁     Misleading definitions;
  • ⦁     Unproven evidence;
  • ⦁     Irrelevant materials;
  • ⦁     Unexplained abbreviations;
  • ⦁     In-text citations;
  • ⦁     Footnotes;
  • ⦁     Tables, figures, or charts.

5. Proofread and Edit Your Abstract

Your text should always be perfect in terms of grammar, style, punctuation, spelling, and format. Thus, we advise you to proofread and edit the final version of your abstract several times before you include it in your work. For instance, a single typo or a minor grammar mistake can make a negative impression on your sophisticated examiners. They may consider you are an irresponsible and inattentive person. Do you want them to teach you grammar rules instead of discussing your notable research results? If you do not want to be in such a situation, you should edit and proofread your abstract within the next two or three days. A fresh look will always allow detecting more errors than a weary one. Also, you can apply different mistake-checking software or tools. You may take into consideration one more option to ask other people to help you with your summary. 

6. Allow Our Professional Experts to Write Your Dissertation Abstract 

If it is difficult for you to understand the purpose, structure, or writing peculiarities of dissertation preparation, you have to stop torturing yourself. Why not consider the option of ordering your dissertation summary from our online trusted academic writing company? We hire qualified and experienced specialists who are Ph.D. holders in different fields of science. Our professionals will complete an individually crafted triumphant dissertation abstract for you. We will deliver your academic paper within the deadline set. You may always entrust your problematic issues to our ingenious experts. 

Get Access to Our Dissertation Abstract Samples

Sometimes, it is reasonable to have a close look at a well-composed and well-structured sample to get a clear idea of what your work should look like. You can use our base of dissertations and abstracts if you need our professional support.     

If you are seeking sophisticated experts with extensive experience in academic writing, you should refer to SuperDissertations. Our professionals can assist you in writing your thesis proposals, dissertation outlines, reviews, coursework papers, thesis or dissertation summaries, or any other academic papers. We can also proofread, edit or format the work completed by you. Our company offers a huge variety of professional academic writing services at decent prices. Our profound experts are at your service whenever you need their assistance or support. We work on a round-the-clock basis. Are you ready to begin our cooperation to realize one or all of your dreams?  

So, why not contact our helpful customer support representatives right now? Our professional experts will always do all possible to find the most effective solution to your academic writing issue. We guarantee you the most pleasant results.