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Our Customer Support team has developed flexible discount system. We highly appreciate that you choose our services repeatedly and wish to do something in return to our devoted clients
Every time you order any academic paper from we calculate the number of pages you ordered. Then our team summarizes them. Our Special Discounts are applicable to both single and multiple orders. The more pages are ordered by you the bigger discounts you get. Order more - pay less.
When you order 30 pages in total you get a discount by 5% on your next order with! This discount is available for any order. You may either order 15 pages within a single paper or multiple assignments.
Once your order total 50 pages, either with single or several assignments, you will get even better discount by 10% on your next orders.
As soon as your orders reach 100 pages, you will be suggested very special discount by 15% on your next order. You decide - order 100 pages within a single order or request several orders that will total to this number.
You are always welcome to contact our Customer Support and negotiate your personalized discount for unique or large orders.